Article Critique

In college, students always get lots of essay writing assignments, and one may get mixed up on the structure of writing these essays. You definitely will find yourself in such a situation where you have forgotten tiny details on how to handle an article critique.

There are online writers like All Homework Solutions who can help you when you as a student forget the details of how to write an article critique. When you want to write an article critique, you will have first to comprehend what the article is all about. You state explicitly whether the author did base his ideas on facts and credible information. An article critique is an objective analysis of a particular piece of work with the inclusion of your thoughts.

While you are planning on writing your article critique:

Read through the article

As you read through the first time, you should try to understand the main topic. Try to understand the overall argument the author is trying to make. You should note the author’s thesis. You should read the text more than once, preferably, three to four times.

Mark the text as you reread it

If possible, use a pen to underline points that you think carry the main ideas. Ask yourself questions like;

  • What is the thesis of the author?
  • What is the purpose of the argument?
  • Who was the intended audience?
  • What evidences does the author have to back up her argument?
  • Are there any author’s arguments that have loopholes?
  • Did the author add bias to the evidence or misrepresented it?
  • Does the author come to conclusions?

Take notes

Also, to underline key points, you should also take notes when you have extended thoughts about specific arguments in the texts. It is not ideal to ignore taking notes thinking that you will remember your opinion after reading the article. Take your time and note down anything that you find worth writing down.

Article critique writing services

Preliminary concept development for your critique

From the information, you have read, come up with proceedings. You should know by now what point the author was trying to bring home. Write your first reaction to the article and if the author’s arguments are realistic and convincing. Jog your memory if you have ever read any document that either supports or does not support the author’s thesis and arguments. Note down in case there is. You may get stuck in the way of writing the article critique and if you do, inquire from All Homework Solutions online to help you know what step to take next.

Question if the overall message of the writer is logical

Even if the author says that he or she gathered evidence to support his or her claims, you should go ahead and collect your evidence. Analyze his or her sources to ensure that they are valid. Examine the beginning and end of the article. Writing an article critique requires comprehension, and you should ensure that you have not misunderstood the author.

Search for any biases both intentional or not

Biases involve misinterpreting evidence and concluding this evidence, ignoring indications that are say contrary to your thesis statement, and adding your own opinions to the evidence. Proofs based on academic support always deserve me observed with skeptical eyes, unlike the well-sourced views. Bias mainly come from gender, class, ethnicity, and politics.

The author’s interpretations of the article

The author’s evidence is probably based on a specific article, book, academic research or natural thing. Note any differences from your interpretations of the text and the authors. Such observations in article critique may bear fruits when you go back to review the author’s arguments. Go through your article critique to ensure that you have all instructions.


You should note that an article critique does not have to be entirely negative or positive. If you concur with the author, build your work to add additional evidence and support his or her claims. But you can also give some contradictory evidence even when you still agree with the author. When you disagree with the author, you can always provide both contradictive proof and supportive ones. If writing an article critique does oppose some difficulties, visit All Homework Solutions and ask them for guidance.