Risk Stratification Case Study

Risk Stratification Case Study
Prior to completing this assignment, review Chapter 2 in the text. Any person wanting to participate in an exercise program should begin with a self-guided health history questionnaire to determine if any risks of exercise exist. Figures 2.1, 2.2, and 2.3 in the text are examples of self-guided questionnaires. Individuals can be placed into one of three risk stratification categories: Lowest Risk, Moderate Risk, or Highest Risk. For this assignment, do the following:

Compare and contrast the function of the human body in someone who has heart disease to someone who does not have heart disease.
Explain four of the signs and symptoms associated with cardiovascular, pulmonary, or metabolic disease.
Read each case study below and assess the risks of each.
Place each client in one of the risk categories.
Fill in the Risk Stratification Worksheet.
Explain your reasoning for selecting the specific category. For each case study, expound on whether you feel the person should see a physician prior to initiating an exercise program and why or why not.
Submit your assignment and the Risk Stratification Worksheet to your instructor by Day 7.
Example Case Study:
Male, age 44, nonsmoker, Height = 70 inches, weight = 216 lbs, BMI 31.0, Resting Heart Rate (RHR) = 62 beats/minute. Resting Blood Pressure (RBP) = 128/84. Total cholesterol = 184 mg/dL. LDL= 106 mg/dL, HDL = 44 mg/dL. Fasting Blood Glucose (FBG) = Unknown. Walks 2-3 miles, two to three times a week. Father had Type 2 diabetes and died at age 67 of a heart attack; mother living, no Cardiovascular Disease (CVD). No medications; reports no symptoms. (Refer to the Risk Stratification Worksheet for example)

Case Study 1:
Male, age 55, current 1 pack a day smoker, Height = 70 inches, Weight = 220 lbs, BMI = 31.6, RHR = 75, RBP = 140/82. Total Cholesterol = 210 mg/dL, LDL = 140 mg/dL, HDL = 42 mg/dL. FBG = 90 mg/dL. Client has not been physically active since high school. Currently takes medication to lower his cholesterol. Client states pain in his left gastrocnemius muscle with lower extremity exercise (Intermittent Claudication) that subsides with rest. Both of his parents are still alive.

Case Study 2:
Female, age 60, non-smoker, Height = 64 inches, Weight = 120 lbs. BMI = 20.6, RHR = 60, RBP = 128/62. FBG= 83, Total Cholesterol = 180, LDL= 90, HDL = 46. Client has a regular exercise program of walking for 30 minutes 5 days a week. Mother died of a heart attack at the age of 60. Client reports no signs or symptoms of disease.

Case Study 3:
Female, age 30, non-smoker, Height = 68 inches, Weight = 145 lbs. BMI = 22.0, RHR = 65, RBP = 122/80. FBG = 93, Total Cholesterol = 160, LDL = 83, HDL = 51. Client has never exercised before in her life. Client reports no signs or symptoms of disease. Parents are still alive.

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