Research Paper

Research Paper on Henrietta Lacks was an African American woman whose cancer cells are the source of the HeLa cell line, the first immortalized cell line and one of the most important cell lines in medical research.

Research Papers must meet the following scholarly three guidelines.
1. Each Research paper must be four pages in length, documented in MLA format, typed double spaced, with at least one primary source.
A primary source is a document or physical object which was written or created during the actual event’s time. Meaning, these sources were present during an experience or time period and offer an inside view of a particular event. Some types of primary sources include:
ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS (excerpts or translations acceptable): Diaries, speeches, manuscripts, letters, interviews, news film footage, autobiographies, and official records
A secondary source interprets and analyzes primary sources. These sources are one or more steps removed from the event. Secondary sources may have pictures, quotes or graphics of primary sources in them. Some types of secondary sources include:
PUBLICATIONS: Textbooks, magazine articles, histories, criticisms, commentaries, encyclopedias

2. Essay must be in an argumentative format, which is a genre of writing that requires the student to investigate a topic; collect, generate, and evaluate evidence; and establish a position on the topic in a concise manner.
An argumentative essay is a type of writing that requires a writer to defend a position on a topic using evidence from personal experience, literature, historical examples, and research to support his or her viewpoint. The writer usually uses several different arguments to prove his or her point.
When preparing to write an argumentative essay, it’s important to evaluate various sides of the issue. Research your topic by examining both primary (original documents) and secondary (references information from a primary document) sources, as well as evaluating anecdotal experiences. Once you have collected data that supports multiple perspectives on the issue, you can make an informed decision about which side has the strongest arguments or which side you support.
3. Place proper footnotes at the end of each page of a source that is used. Create a separate bibliography page at the end of paper, in alphabetical order for all recourses.


Example of a footnote in the paper:
In traditional British East Africa, between the time of puberty and marriage, a young
Akamba girl must maintain an avoidance relationship with her own father.6
Looking at taboo in a modern society, Marvin Harris gives an interesting example of the
application of cultural materialism to the Hindu taboo against eating beef.7

Example of footnotes at the bottom of paper:
6 Sigmund Freud, Totem and Taboo (New York: Random, 1918) 17
7 Marvin Harris, “The Cultural Ecology of India’s Sacred Cattle,” Current Anthropology 1992, 7:51-66

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