In order to write your article synthesizing globalization, you will first need to conduct some research. You may
use your textbook, reliable sources from the Internet, library research, and/or the contents of the AP U.S. History
Research Library. A handful of documents have been added to the Research Library under the period 1980 –
Present: Global Capitalism and Redefining the Nation specifically for this assignment. You might find that there
are other documents from earlier periods on the Research Library website that are also helpful.Now it is time to write your article synthesizing the history and potential future impact of globalization. Your first
task should be to provide a historical overview of globalization. Where you begin that history is up to you, but you
should describe major trends that led to the present situation. In the next section of your article, you should
identify the negative effects of globalization on U.S. society and economic developments. Then, you should
propose possible future solutions to those problems. Your article should end with a works-cited list in MLA style
of sources that you used.
In addition to giving your article a descriptive title, it would be a good idea to use subheads to divide your article
into sections and to help the reader follow your argument. Remember to state your thesis clearly and end with a
strong conclusion. Your article should be between 1,000 and 1,200 words long.
use your textbook, reliable sources from the Internet, library research, and/or the contents of the AP U.S. History
Research Library. A handful of documents have been added to the Research Library under the period 1980 –
Present: Global Capitalism and Redefining the Nation specifically for this assignment. You might find that there
are other documents from earlier periods on the Research Library website that are also helpful.Now it is time to write your article synthesizing the history and potential future impact of globalization. Your first
task should be to provide a historical overview of globalization. Where you begin that history is up to you, but you
should describe major trends that led to the present situation. In the next section of your article, you should
identify the negative effects of globalization on U.S. society and economic developments. Then, you should
propose possible future solutions to those problems. Your article should end with a works-cited list in MLA style
of sources that you used.
In addition to giving your article a descriptive title, it would be a good idea to use subheads to divide your article
into sections and to help the reader follow your argument. Remember to state your thesis clearly and end with a
strong conclusion. Your article should be between 1,000 and 1,200 words long.
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