Critical Thinking Response
What is the purpose of dystopian literature and what does it reveal and imply about the nature of society (and individuals)?
Between now and the end of the year you are responsible for completing 4 1-page responses on different dystopian “texts” (2 print, 2 media*), that show that you are able to create a higher-level analysis that examines and connects questions posed by the story to the larger purpose of dystopian literature.
As a class, we synthesized the following list that you can use as a reference point for your analysis:
A reflection of the current state of affairs in a society (politics, structures, tensions/problems, ideas/initiatives)
A warning for what the future could become (“the worst case scenario”)
An exaggeration (and therein critique) of a society’s norms/expectations
A call to action (to shed light on society’s injustices)
A creative/artistic outlet to open minds to different possibilities or unknowns
Your response must:
Identify and analyze major themes of the text.
Discuss how (/if) these themes offer a critique/commentary of society.
Analyze the writer’s (film’s) purpose as a dystopian text.
Be at least 1-page long, edited and revised.
*You can substitute a media response for an analysis/response to our guest speaker this week.
*If you are doing a full novel (at grade level), you can substitute the 2 text responses for one, that is two pages long.
Identify and analyze major themes of the text.
Discuss how (/if) these themes offer a critique/commentary of society.
Analyze the writer’s (film’s) purpose as a dystopian text.
Be at least 1-page long, edited and revised.
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