Word Classes

Instructions: In a document that is formatted using the guidelines for written assignments, answer the following questions.  The questions are based upon your end-of-chapter questions on pp. 206-208.

  1. Complete the table below by entering two examples in each cell.  You should have a total of 24 entries in the table.
  2. Particles can be confused with prepositions.  Study these examples.  (A) He ran up the bill.  (B) He ran up the hill.  In (A), “ran up” is a phrasal verb, and we might paraphrase the sentence as follows, “He accumulated a large bill.”  In (B), “up” is a preposition.  Remember that prepositions indicate place or time.  We might paraphrase the sentence like this, “He ran to the top of the hill.”  One useful test of a particle is that the particle can be moved without any loss in meaning.  Thus, (A) could be rewritten, “He ran the bill up.”  However, if you do this with a preposition, you get nonsense, as in (B), “He ran the hill up.”  This shows that in (A) we have a particle and in (B) we have a preposition.  Do a little research on phrasal verbs and see if you can develop an example similar to mine.  Create two sentences, one in which you have a particle and one in which you have a preposition.  Explain to me the meaning of each sentence.  Finally, to be doubly sure that you got it right, use the movement test to see if you truly identified the particle and the preposition correctly.
  3. We learned that, when developing a word-formation rule, you need to identify the sound change, the category change, and the meaning change.  Do a little research on one of the following affixes, and construct a word formation rule for it.  Remember to state the meaning change in general terms (i.e., in terms of X).  You may select the prefix de- or tran-, or the suffix -ize or -ity.
Word ClassSimpleComplex InflectionalComplex Derivational

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