Read and discuss in The Norton Field Guide to Writing with Readings, 3rd ed Ch. 58, LAUREL THATCHER ULRICH, “Well-Behaved Women Seldom Make History, p. 656.” Read this essay to write the Reader Response plus Research papers. The Reader Response plus Research papers should be approximately 400-450 words long. For each entry, include the author’s name, the title of the work, and the date assigned for class. Also include full citation information for additional sources. Use proper in-text citations. A thoughtful reflection on your reading of the piece—evidence that you have “engaged” the text. The avoidance of gratuitous plot summary or condensation. Research to support your reflection/argument. Each entry should be typewritten, double-spaced, and free from excessive mechanical and technical errors. Follow MLA 2009 guidelines regarding format. Do not skip lines between paragraphs. Include a running head which always includes the page number. RR+R= Reader Response plus Research papers
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