Visual Genre

Your visual argument should harnesses the kairotic moment by targeting an issue
that is timely and of importance to you. The purpose of your visual argument is to
expose a societal injustice in order to promote social change. You will choose a visual
genre to convince your intended audience of your argument. Your visual should include both TEXT and IMAGERY. !!!!

First, you will need to decide on a societal concern that you are personally vested in.
Think about your personal ethos, your worldview, your identity, and perhaps your
personal struggle. Start with the personal.
THINK: what categorical lens do you want to approach this project?
Sociological? Psychological? Gender? Cultural? Governmental? Educational?
Environmental? Health? Criminal Justice?
Once you decide on a broad category, you will need to narrow your focus for your
specific research angle and project. What particular issues or concerns affect you
directly under this category? How does your worldview affect your response to these
issues? How is your personal ethos and identity tied to these issues? Narrow
your topic.

Second, you will need to do some general background investigation into this topic so
you know how it is represented by society. Move from the personal to the collective.
Investigate into how this societal issue affects other individuals, groups, and perhaps society as a whole.

Third, you will use your personal context plus background research to propose a thesis driven question. You will then investigate into at least three (3) sources to explore and respond to this question with your visual argument.
AUDIENCE? You will need to think carefully about your intended audience and
how they may perceive your societal issue. Think about the demographic that your
audience is a part of? What assumptions on your topic might your audience hold?
How can you establish trust with your audience to persuade them of your argument?
This decision will also drive your research investigation and the choices you make in your visual argument.

FINALLY, consider your argument and audience for this essay. What visual genre
do you want to work with to best present your argument? What visual genre
would be the most effective in presenting your ideas?

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