Visual Components

This week is about working in diverse groups and developing cultural competence that can help you in many scenarios.

Imagine now that you have found a job opening that is looking for someone to join its diverse team. To narrow down candidates for the job, the description says candidates should be prepared to explain in a brief presentation their knowledge of how they work with others.

Create a 10-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation that allows you to showcase your knowledge about working in diverse groups to a potential employer. There should be no more than 6 bullet points per slide, with about 6 words per bullet point. That means that the majority of the information in your slideshow will be in the notes section below each slide. In the notes section of each slide, you should thoroughly explain the information on the slide. The notes sections must be used in this assignment.

Here is a guideline for developing your presentation:

Title slide: Include the title, your name, and date

Introduction slide: An introduction slide should come after the title slide. This slide should allow you to introduce the topics you will be discussing.

Slides 3-5: For the next two to three slides, discuss topics from Weeks 1 through 3 that might help you when working in diverse groups. For example, you could talk about learning styles, and how that might impact your work in a group or work assignment versus in an individual assignment. (Tip: Think about information that was covered in Week 2 when covering this portion.)

Slides 6-7: For your next two to three slides, explain how developing cultural competence can be useful to you when working with others in school? How can it be advantageous in the workplace? What two or three strategies can you use to become more culturally competent?

Slides 8-9: For your next two to three slides, explain what your course text says about diversity, and how that plays a role in building relationships?

Conclusion slide: After the body of the presentation, you will need to develop a conclusion slide. This should wrap up yourpresentation, so that your audience (a potential interviewer in this case) will be reminded of your key points.

Note: For help withPowerPoint®“, refer to “How to Create a PowerPoint®

In the meantime, here are some tips:

  • Organize the slides with bullet points and use the notes sections for comments that should accompany/explain each slide.
  • Keep in mind that when you are putting together a presentation, your slides should follow the 6:6 rule – there should be no more than 6 bullet points per slide, with about 6 words per bullet point. That means that the majority of the information in your slideshow will be in the notes section.
  • It is important to remember that the slideshow is clear and logically organized; whether the notes section is used effectively; incorporates effective design elements (font headings, spacing, color); whether the slideshow is functional (including working audio clips, visual components and links) and whether grammar, usage, spelling and punctuation follow standard American English.

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