Question 1
Following a rule of good manners may mean doing something you do not want to do, and the weird rhetoric of our self-indulgent age resists the idea that we have such things as obligations to others. –Stephen L. Carter
a. Describing a decline in the behavior of young people, Stephen L. Carter worries that “the weird rhetoric of [this] self-indulgent age resists the idea” of self-control and good manners (672).
b. Describing a decline in the behavior of young people, Stephen L. Carter worries that “the weird rhetoric of a self-indulgent age resists the idea that we should have” self-control and good manners (672).
Question 2
Already he thinks of himself as someone who will give away what he has to those in need. –Jay Parini
a. Parini says of Warren Buffett that “Already he thinks of himself as someone who will give away what he has to those in need” (938).
b. Parini says of Warren Buffett that “already he thinks of himself as someone who will give away what he has to those in need” (938).
Question 3
I haven’t found a soul who tried this machine who wasn’t appalled, baffled, or both. –David Pogue
a. When evaluating the BlackBerry, Pogue complains “I haven’t found a soul who tried this machine who wasn’t appalled, baffled or both” (D7).
b. When evaluating the BlackBerry, Pogue complains, “he hasn’t found a soul who tried this machine who wasn’t appalled, baffled or both” (D7).
Question 4
[Original:] Do temperamentally violent kids seek out shows that express feelings they already have, or are they in it for the adrenaline boost? –Maggie Cutler
a. “Do temperamentally violent kids seek out shows that express feelings they already have?” Cutler asks (64).
b. “Do temperamentally violent kids seek out shows that express feelings they already have” Cutler asks (64)?
Question 5
The Internet has turned teenagers into honest documentarians of their own lives—reporters embedded in their homes, their schools, their own heads. But this is also why it’s dangerous, why we can’t seem to recognize that it’s just a medium. We’re afraid. Our kids know things we don’t. –Amy Goldwasser
a. According to Goldwasser, the cause for fear is that “Internet access has turned teenagers into honest documentarians of their own lives. . . . Our kids know things we don’t” (667).
b. According to Goldwasser, the cause for fear is that Internet access “has turned teenagers into honest documentarians of their own lives. . . Our kids know things we don’t” (667).
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