Unit 1 Assignment: Python Basics

Outcomes addressed in this assignment: 

Unit Outcomes: 

  • Use appropriate data types.
  • Show the relationship of data types to memory usage.
  • Illustrate how to declare and initialize a variable. 

Course Outcome: 

IT244-1: Apply the basic concepts of programming using the Python language. 


For this assignment, you will write a small program to demonstrate string manipulation using provided statements on Python history. You will need to choose data types and create variables where necessary.  

Watch the following videos before beginning your assignment:

IT244 What Is a Programmer Video 1


IT244 Designing Our First Program Video 2


IT244 Converting Pseudocode Into Python Code Video 3


Use the following data to complete your assignment:

Unit 1 Assignment Data

Assignment Requirements 

You will write your programs for this course using Python 3 in the code editor of your choice (Idle or Visual Studio Community are recommended). Below is a link to where you can download Microsoft Visual Community for free.  

Visual Studio 

For your first Python program, you will take the given statements below about Python and Python history and combine them into one paragraph, correctly formatted and corrected as noted below. The correct output is also given as an example below. 

The following statements are to be included in your program as separate strings. When adding them to your program, be sure to include any leading or trailing spaces shown. If you copy and paste the string from this document, remove the quotes and retype them in manually to be sure you get the correct set of quotes in the character set. You can also copy these statements from the text file provided to avoid this issue (see IT244_Unit_1_Data.txt file). 

“ Python was created in the 1890’s by Guido van Rossum. ”

“ Python is maintained as an ‘open source’ project by a group that is called the Python Software Foundation. ”

“ He is affectionately known as Python’s “Benevolent Dictator for Life.” ”

You will concatenate the three strings above into one string formatted correctly with standard spacing. You will need to programmatically correct “1890’s” to “1990’s” in the first statement. Your output should appear as shown below. Note the order of the text. 

Assignment Instructions

  1. Define three variables to hold each sentence string.Hint: Note that the third sentence mixes single and double quotes. You will need to use the backward slash () character ahead of the double quotes. For more on this, reference section 3.1.2. Strings in the Python 3 documentation.Reference: Learn to Program With Python 3: A Step-by-Step Guide to Programming, 2nd edition, Chapter 2: Four Types of Data / Assignment Statements / Variable Names.
  2. Apply the appropriate string functions to each string variable as needed to strip leading spaces and replace 1890 with 1990.Reference: Learn to Program With Python 3: A Step-by-Step Guide to Programming, 2nd edition, Chapter 8: Built-In String Operations.
  3. Print the concatenated sentences as a single paragraph to produce the expected output.Reference: Learn to Program With Python 3: A Step-by-Step Guide to Programming, 2nd edition, Chapter 2: Print Statements; Chapter 3: Built-In Functions / Concatenation.


Python was created in the 1990’s by Guido van Rossum. He is affectionately known as Python’s “Benevolent Dictator for Life.” Python is maintained as an ‘open source’ project by a group that is called the Python Software Foundation. 

Directions for Submitting Your Assignment 

Submit the program source code file (.py) as your deliverable.

The code file should be named IT244_YourLastName_Unit1.

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