Understanding Nutrition

Read Chapter 9 – Whitney & Rolfes – Understanding Nutrition and use at least TWO peer-reviewed articles to discuss the following:

Explain how satiety and satiation are important components of weight management.
The authors present facts that indicate a calorie eaten can be burned off by exercise. Based on your understanding of metabolism, explain physiological factors that can cause a person feel hungry eating 2000 Kcal of one diet and the same person would feel satisfied eating 2000 Kcal on a different diet.
HINT: You may search the literature for ‘macro-nutrient content and weight loss’ ‘is a calorie a calorie?’ and the influence of sugar and sugar substitutes on insulin.

Response to classmates (4 points)

Address TWO classmates’ posts agreeing or disagreeing with their statements. Use the literature to support your claims (two articles per response). Use different literature from your main post and different literature from your classmates’ posts.

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