Question 1
Given the fact that the trial process is lengthy and costly, do you think that the trial system will disappear in favor of alternative dispute resolution? Why or why not? Mediation, arbitration, and negotiation are forms of alternative dispute resolution that have pro’s and con’s. Which of the three would be your preferred method for resolving an issue? Why?
Please make this 1-2 paragraphs.
Please site sources within the paragraphs.
Question 2
Discuss two of the following statement.
- Define and explain the purpose of the Five Distributive Bargaining Negotiation Skills.
- Discuss the “Zone of Possible Agreement” (ZOPA) and why some experienced negotiators consider it critically important to make the opening offer.
- Define the following terms: relational information, substantive information, equality norm, and equity norm and explain how they relate to the distributive bargaining process.
Question 3
Name one theory that human services professionals use in working with clients. Give an example of how a human services professional might apply the theory in his or her work with a client.
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