Transformation Leadership

Complete the “Transformation Leadership Inventory” at the end of the chapter.

Record and present your total scores for both dimensions: transformational leadership and transactional leadership (include this in your submission along with the point below). (Present scores before the summary.

Write a 1-2 page summary giving an interpretation of your scores, using the “Scoring Interpretation” and the chapter reading as your guide. (Prompts: Explain what your scores say about your leadership style; are you more of a transformational leader or a transactional leader and what does that mean; what are the benefits or consequences of your preferred style; are there times/ways that you think it may be appropriate to try to change your emphasis from one style to the other or should you simply try to remain true to who you are; how can you use these findings to help you develop as a leader.)

    • Put your name and the title of the assignment on the first two lines (then continue with assignment).
    • Title the assignment: Transformational Leadership
    • Use Calibri 12 point font
    • Double-spaced

    NOTE: The quality of your content should meet graduate level standards in the areas of critical thinking and written expression (logical flow, completeness, correct grammar/spelling, fully following instructions, etc

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