Trade Agreements

Trade Agreements between countries pros and cons.

Potential thesis:
There are advantages and disadvantages in having Trade agreements between countries but in the end this practice has a major impact in global economy and growth for some countries.

Prepare a three- to five-page paper on an economic topic of your choice in which you will address a question or topic. Your chosen topic must allow you the opportunity to include a minimum of three macroeconomic concepts learned in the course. Your paper may be an informative paper, informing the reader of the question and topic you have addressed, or an argumentative paper in which you support a certain process.

A minimum of three and a maximum of five pages of content, not including your title page and Bibliography.
Your content should include the following:
An Introductory Paragraph that introduces the subject and its importance and provides a clear and concise thesis statement that previews the key points of the paper.
The Body of the content should provide a minimum of three supporting ideas to explain the topic. Content should be substantial enough to accurately explain the topic and the economic concepts.
A Conclusion linking the findings throughout your paper to your thesis and addressing your opinions on the topic.
Include one graphic within the body of your paper. The graphic must be a table, chart or graph that substantiates the information shared in your paper. It should be no larger than 2 ½” in height. Do not include pictures.
Include a title page with your name, title of the paper, the class, instructor and the date.
Include a Reference Page with full citations on your sources. Use APA format and utilize a minimum of 3 creditable sources. An abstract is not required.
Number all of the pages except the title page in your paper.
The paper should be double-spaced with 1-inch margins and font size 11 or 12, no smaller and no larger.
Include your last name in the file name of the document and submit as a .doc, .docx, .rtf, or .pdf file.
References and Citation:
Please use a minimum of 3 credible sources.
Do NOT use Wikipedia as one of your sources.
Generally, Wikipedia is considered to be an inferior source of information. This is because anyone can post to Wikipedia without the veracity of that information having been authenticated. There have been many postings to Wikipedia that have been proven false.
You may use MLA or APA formatting. Please use the style guides provided by Purdue Owl to help you in the process of citing your references.
Remember that if you provide data, statistics or quotes or any information that is not your own original thought, you must cite your reference within the text.
Include a Bibliography page with your paper with all references properly cited.

Grades will be based on the content and research, organization and flow, application of economic concepts, references, citing and punctuation and grammar.

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