Question 1
- Use the Internet to research best practices in supply chain management. Be prepared to discus determine which best practices can be applied to the greatest number of small businesses. Explain your rationale.
- Analyze the principles of Total Quality Management (TQM) and Six Sigma in regard to quality control of a product or service, and make at least one recommendation for improvement. Explain your rationale.
Question 2
- There has been a sea change regarding the challenges and therefore the required elements of a company’s material control system. This has caused the firm to evolve from having a purchasing agent, typically reporting to the chief financial officer (CFO), to a more professional purchasing manager trained in high level negotiating skills, to a materials director, conversant in how all the elements of a supply chain fit together, to a global sourcing manager, and now a global supply chain director.
- Has globalization been a factor in this evolution, or are other factors at play? Why or why not?
- What added elements are now required of a material control system as a result?
- What would be the impact on large retailers in a country if a dock strike occurred for inbound shipping containers; what could they do to mitigate this risk? How does this differ from the impact of a dock strike if globalization had not been so popular?
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