Threads and Reply

The student will complete 2 sets of Discussion Threads & Reply Threads in this course. The student will post one thread of 550–650 (not including footnotes) words. The student must then post 1 reply of 450–600 words the week following the original thread assignment. You must try to respond to a classmate who has not received a reply yet. For each thread, students must support their assertions with at least 1 scholarly citation in Turabian format. Each reply must also incorporate at least 1 scholarly citation in Turabian format. Biblical references are highly encouraged but will not count as an academic source. Acceptable sources include the course textbooks, academic library books found in Liberty’s online library, peer-reviewed journal articles, and similar publications. Sources such as Wikipedia, religious institution websites, Youtube videos, and online dictionaries do not count as academic sources and should not be used. A bibliography, title page, and contents page do not count towards word count and are not appropriate for these discussion assignments.

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