Theoretical Approaches to Counselling

The purpose of this assignment is to aid you in understanding the theoretical approaches you have learned from this course and provide you with an in-depth analysis of your own style of counseling as you move forward in the program. This assignment requires you to critically think through which approach aligns most closely with your own personal/professional style of counseling, and how you might implement this approach in the counseling setting. As at this level (i.e., without advanced training) it is nearly impossible to be integrative (as an integrative approach requires that you be an expert at each of the theories you are integrating), it is important that you only choose one theory to answer the prompts and questions below. Please avoid choosing the Family System approach, even if you think you will be exclusively with families. This course and assignment are strictly about working with individuals. You will be taking other courses that address family systems.

Your paper should be organized exactly like the outline below and should include headings and subheadings (the questions posed are considered the subheadings for this paper). Your paper should be in paragraph form using complete sentences and adhere to the most current APA style formatting. Your paper should be a minimum of 4 pages, but no longer than 6 pages, not counting the title page and reference page. No abstract is needed. The format of the paper is to include the sections below with headings/subheadings that follow APA format.

  1. Title Page
  2. Introduction
    • Present a strong, clear thesis statement. The focus of this paragraph is to introduce the reader to the thesis statement. The remainder of the paper should support and illustrate the main point(s) of the thesis statement.
  3. Human Nature and Change
    • What theory best fits your own values and beliefs about human nature and change? Why? When considering human nature, explain the chosen theory in terms of determinism versus non-determinism.
  4. Personal Background
    • How does your background influence your theoretical preference (may include the following in your response: your parents’ parenting styles, past and present relationships, early experiences, environmental factors, religious beliefs, etc.)?
  5. Relationship Building and Assessment
    • Per the theory that you have chosen, how would you establish a positive therapeutic relationship? Explain.
    • Per the theory that you have chosen, is the therapeutic relationship necessary and/or sufficient?
    • How would you assess client needs and therapeutic progress? Explain.
    • How would you set goals in relation to wellness and prevention? Explain.
    • Based on the theory’s concept of psychopathology, discuss any limitations as far as creating measurable outcomes for clients.
  6. Ethical and Biblical Principles
    • What professional ethical principles need to be considered? Why?
    • Discuss how your personal theoretical orientation blends with your Christian values.
    • How might you integrate Biblical principles as a counselor?
  7. Conclusion
    • An effective conclusion affirms the thesis statement and leaves the reader with a clear idea of how thoughts in the paper fit together to make a specific point.
  8. Reference Page
    • Your response must be supported with a minimum of 3 peer-reviewed journal articles cited in the current APA format within the last 5-8 years as well as the 3 required textbooks for this course. These will be reflected on a required reference page.

Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.
Please use the attached template to help with organization and APA formatting. Please download the template, delete the instructions, but keep the level 1 headings for organization.

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