This activity will address module outcome 1. Upon completion of this activity, you will be able to:
• Assess the Applications of DIME to achieve strategic objectives. (CO2)
Although the military wins battles and wars, it is necessary for the implementation of all elements of power to achieve national objectives. In the last few years, the nation seems to use the military as a sole element to achieve national objectives. In this activity, you will explore the role of all elements of power to gain an understanding of their contribution to achieving national goals.
When you have completed your required readings for this module, you should be prepared to engage in the following discussion activity:
• Select a war (conventional or unconventional) and an instrument of power application in the conflict you selected.
• Describe how your selected instrument contributed to the strategic objectives of the war. Provide examples to illustrate your argument. In your posting, you may choose to explain the absence of your selected instrument and the consequences to the overall mission.
• For your replies to your classmates, read their postings and then explain why you agree or disagree with their evaluation. Base your argument on research and provide examples to reinforce your position
Module 5: Module Notes: Instruments of National Power and Strategic Communications
Although in recent conflicts, the United States military has spent a historical amount of resources, the war on terror is far from over. The recent conflicts in Afghanistan and Iraq seem to illustrate that the application of one element of power cannot achieve national objectives. Therefore, as General Dempsey states “it is vital that we not only develop our military capabilities but also strengthen the capacity of other government departments and agencies” (Dempsey, 2013, p. 2).
DIME (Diplomatic, Informational, Military, and Economic)
In recent years the military has been involved in two significant wars. These wars are unconventional and, some may argue, will require more than military power to achieve national and security objectives. The term DIME (Diplomatic, Informational, Military, and Economic) is often used to describe the elements of national power. it may seem that the military element of power has taken the lead in the effort to achieve United States National Objectives. However, as seen in previous conflicts, to achieve national objectives nations must employ all elements of power. With this in mind, let’s further define the term DIME.
Click on each of the tabs below to review definitions of the elements of power.
• Diplomatic
• Informational
• Military
• Economic
The principal function of this element is to engage foreign states and non-state actors to form consensus and alliances.
DIME was the Department of Defense’s way of reminding the White House Administrators that the military can operationally achieve given objectives, however, the military is not a substitute for the other elements of power (Shehadey, 2013). Therefore, the use of all elements of power must be adopted if the nations are to achieve its strategic goals. While the military is the most powerful tool at the president’s disposal, some objectives may require a more soft approach to achieve the nation’s goals.
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