Read the case The Rocky Road to Patient Satisfaction at Leonard-Griggs (PDF) (Links to an external site.).
Based on the information in the case, draw an organizational chart for Leonard-Griggs. Include the drawing either within the body of the paper or as an appendix.
Use one of the five organizational structures presented in Chapter 5 of Management of Healthcare Organizations or a variation of one:
Functional structure
Divisional structure
Matrix structure
Horizontal structure
Network structure
In your paper, write about the following and include the organizational chart (described above) as an appendix:
Explain the rationale for your chart.
Identify and explain the pros and cons of the organizational structure you selected.
Consider what you’ve learned about leadership styles, leadership theories, teamwork, organizational theories, and change theories. How would you apply these concepts to the problems this organization faces?
Elaborate on what elements of the organization you would change and explain why.
Would you restructure the organization? Why or why not?
Rubric guidelines
An introduction captures reader interest. The paper contains a thesis that clearly identifies the proposed organizational structure. There is consistent focus throughout the paper solely on supporting the thesis, with no irrelevant details. The thesis is clearly developed, both within paragraphs and from paragraph to paragraph, to establish coherence and cohesion.
2. The paper includes a figure or drawing of one of the five organizational structures: Functional, Divisional, Matrix, Horizontal, Network OR The paper contains a hybrid of two or more of these structures. The figure or drawing is either included within the body of the paper or as an appendix. All elements of the figure or drawing are easy to interpret and correctly align with the selected organizational structure.
3. Topic sentence is stated. Relevant, quality concrete details give the reader important information that explains why the organizational structure was chosen. Paper demonstrates the author’s ability to relate course content to the case study using practical examples and applications. There is a comprehensive analysis of details, facts, and concepts that are conveyed in a logical sequence.
4. The information is broken into whole-to-whole, similarities-to-differences, or point-by-point structure. Paper follows a consistent order when discussing the pros and cons of the selected organizational structure. Paper points to specific examples to illustrate the pros and cons. Includes the information relevant to the pros and cons of the selected organizational structure. Information clearly relates to the main topic and includes several supporting details and examples.
5. Paper identifies 4–5 course concepts pertaining to (but not limited to): Leadership styles, Leadership theories, Teamwork Organizational theories, Organizational structures, Change theories. Generates an opinion that critically engages with multiple perspectives on the given case study. Identifies 3–4 specific elements of the organization that would be changed. The rationale for these changes is expressed in a clear, logical sequence that incorporates complexities and tensions and/or underlying values and assumptions.
6. The conclusion subtly returns to the thesis from the introduction paragraph. The paper has a sense of completeness. The student connects the paper to the external world.
7. Paper is coherently organized, and the logic is easy to follow. There are few to no spelling or grammatical errors. Technical terms are clearly defined. The language is clear and concise. Paper does not exceed five pages in length (not including the cover page or reference page). Two or more sources are cited within the paper. Follows APA formatting.
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