The Natural World

Your assignment needs to be at least 5 pages double-spaced (to be clear at least 5 pages means it needs to reach the end of the 5th page), and it must be turned in through blackboard. The assignment is based on the class texts, Animals and Psychedelics: The Natural World and the Instinct to Alter Consciousness and Crank (but you can also include information from outside sources if you want to). Although the questions ask for your opinion on the subject you MUST include relevant information and citations from the books in order to receive a good grade. The citations MUST look like this (Samorini, 2002) and (Hopkins, 2004). An assignment that does not cite from Animals and Psychedelics and Crank and does not cite correctly, will not receive a good grade. Additionally, make sure you do more than just summarize the books. I’ve read these books, so I know what they say. I want you to take the information you learned from these books, think about the below questions, and provide your fact based opinion. The goal of this assignment is to come up with an argument for the below questions, and to use information from the books to support your argument.

The book Animals and Psychedelics: The Natural World and the Instinct to Alter Consciousness, discusses how and why animals seek out and ingest plants that provide them with an altered state of consciousness. The book Crank tells the story of a young girl who gets involved in the drug lifestyle.
How does the information described in each of these books fit in with or contribute to the drug debate? Is the information from these books relevant for policy makers and drug policies (why or why not)?

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