a) Summarize in your own words the important details in Marguerite Dura’s life and explain why she is considered an important writer, film director and political activist.
b) Establish that Marguerite Duras was associated with the existentialist movement and had ties with it’s key members Jean — Paul Satre, Simon de Beauvoir and Albert Camus and then explain some of them main ideas of existentialism.
c) Establish that Marguerite Duras was Influenced by growing up in Indochina ( Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos) and then from your research say something about French colonialism especially French colonial policy in Indochina
Explain that THE LOVER is an autobiographical novel set in Indochina ( now Vietnam) during the 1930;s when Indochina was a French colony and that Duras sees her life as a young woman as an “existential” rebel figure who is living in an “absurd world” and that for her to live life fully, to live an “auhentic life” and be true to herself, she must take risks, break boundaries and derive meaning and value from wherever she can — inside herself, from her reading and from the world she observes and experiences outside.
Then go on to define and discuss fully the “absurd world” she lives in — her relationship to white colonial society in Indochina, her family situation the ties and barriers to the Asain communities in Indochina, her situation as a student in Saigon, the capitol city, and explain why she must become a rebel out of necessity. It’s also important to point out that the young Dura’s openess to taking risks and her determination to live life fully at all cost are connected to her decision to become a writer, her success as a student and that she is more mature, stronger and determined than most young women of her age. Be sure to discuss how her dress — the man’s hat — and general attitude reflect the young Dura’s rebellious and defiant personality.
Introduce the relationship between the young Duras and her Chinese lover. Identify and explain the various motives for it. There are many — the need for intimacy ( similar emotional needs ) , Physical attraction, racial, cultural and economic differences and possibly the age difference between Duras and the Chinese Lover ( 15 1/2 versus 32 )
Introduce and explain the main idea of the novel and film — that what begins as a rebellious act by both Duras and the Chinese lover for a variety of reasons is fueled by erotic passion and intense sexual experiences which lead to genuine emotions of affection and feelings of love despite the denials and fears. And that even the various conflicts that emerge given the different ages , cultural, class and racial backgrounds adds to the intensity of the relationship.
Trace and discuss the important stages of the love relationship. And explain as a conclusion for this section that both the author and film director make it clear that all of intensity and confusion eventually results ina genuine or “authentic” love relationship that Duras and her Chinese lover never forget. They hold on to the memories of their relationship for their entire lives.
Discuss the similarities and differences between the novel and the film and explain what you think accounts for these differences and explain again in simple terms what is important about the novel and film with respect to what they are trying to say.
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