The Black Death

Below is an example of the thesis statement i created

The Black Death or bubonic plague originally started in Western Asia in 1346 and eventually made its way down to Europe. It has been identified as the most devastating epidemic in history where between a third and one third of Europe’s population was completely wiped out, which goes about 75 million people. The Black Death drastically changed Europe’s social structure, by immediately effecting the minorities such as, Muslims, foreigners, beggars and Jews throughout Europe.
The bubonic Plague is caused by the Yersinia pestis, which is carried through rats in Asia. The main theory of how the Plague was carried is through flies that landed on rodents and then landing back on humans transmitting the plague, especially through trading boats.

I want to argue thaat the Yersinia pests stran is what caused the Black Death. and it has to be in the middle ages

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