The Benefits of Technology

Paper Assignment:

This paper will test your knowledge and understanding of Technology as well as show you how to correctly create a well-constructed research paper. The assignment will consist of a thesis statement. You must pick a side by choosing to agree or disagree with the statement and complete the paper based on the side chosen. At least 3 supporting examples must be used. The paper should be properly referenced. In-text citations and the Bibliography must use APA formatting.


Statement: Technology is more beneficial to society than it is harmful.

Heading Topic: The Benefits of Technology or The Harms of Technology (depending on the side chosen)
• Name the Deliverable: YourName_ISM3013_Final_Paper.docx
• 1 to 3 single spaced pages not counting the Cover page, Table of Contents or Bibliography
• The Word Generated Cover page (or equivalent) has the following information:
o Your Name
o Date
o Course ID: ISM3013
o Course Reference#: example: 123456
o Paper Title: ISM 3013 Final Paper

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