Technology and Innovation: Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

Word count: Students should not exceed more than 3,500 words for this assessment.


  1. A template answer sheet has been provided on the KEATS page, you should complete and type your answers below, or attach to the front of your submission. Make sure you clearly indicate the questions you are answering (e.g. Section A, Question 1)
  2. Use the Harvard referencing style.
  3. If you have a PAA cover sheet, you should include this in addition to your submission.
  4. Save your work regularly, at least every 15 minutes.


  1. You should submit your work via the Turnitin submission link on the module KEATS page.
  2. Ensure your document is submitted through Turnitin with the title CANDIDATE ID – MODULE CODE- e.g. AC12345-5QQMB202
  3. Once submitted please check you are satisfied with the uploaded document via the submission link.
  4. If you experience technical difficulties and are unable to upload your assessment by the deadline, please collate evidence of the technical issue and submit a mitigating circumstances form (MCF). Remember that the evidence must clearly show timestamps and proof that you attempted to upload your assessment before the deadline.

Coursework Instructions

The coursework consists of two distinct parts: a report on the study and an essay discussing themes and issues related to the lectures. These are to be submitted together.

The major component of the coursework (Part A) for Technology and Innovation requires you to carry out a study of a situation where an information system is required. This may be because the present computer system is inadequate in some
way, there are problems with a current manual system, or it may be that the system you suggest could provide an exciting business opportunity that has not previously been considered.

You can choose almost any setting in which to undertake your study, but you must be able to gather relevant information in the setting which you can analyse. So, it could be an organisation where you or a friend works, a service that you use regularly or one where you are confident you can get relevant data to support the case you need to make. Example places you could consider are offices and other workplaces, leisure venues, museums, transport systems, around the university.
You can investigate services and systems that are only online. In the past students have undertaken studies in a wide range of settings and some of the better pieces of coursework have been in environments that are ones which nearly everyone is
familiar. A list of settings students have used in previous years for their projects is available on KE

You need to carry out a small research study related to the setting using the methods discussed in the course. These are likely to be qualitative – drawing upon interviews or questionnaires (including online interviews and online observations of
system use), or other documentary materials (e.g. press reports or reports from previous studies).

It is very important to ground your suggestions in an analysis of a current setting or situation. It is critical to show in your report a good understanding of the current needs and circumstances of potential users of the technology. The better studies
tend to be those where the richest data (and usually best access to the situation) has been obtained i.e. ones where you can approach a variety of different kinds of people and potential users. It is also important to show that your findings are developed from systematic analysis of data collected about the setting you have chosen. You can use appendices to help provide this evidence.

The better studies also show evidence of systematically using the range of methods described in the tutorials appropriately. For example, detailed analysis of requirements, scenarios to identify the requirements and paper prototypes to refine the design. Students who gain higher marks in the study tend also to be ones who show an ability to analyse in detail the current needs of participants and to reflect critically on their own proposal, that is as well as its potential benefits they
anticipate possible problems and limitations of the innovation.

PART A – THE REPORT (guide: 2500 words – 65 marks)

The report of your study should be in the form of a business case made to a potential customer or supplier of your system or service.

  1. The current situation. This would include a description of the setting you have studied. Here, you could outline such matters as the problems faced by the individuals in your study or the current issues of concern within the organisation. You should also briefly describe the method you have adopted for your study and the materials you have collected.
    (20 marks).
  2. The requirements of the system. Here, you outline what is needed in the situation to cope with the problems and issues you have reported in (1). Requirements are different to problems. It is important to show how these requirements are related to what has been discussed in (1). (15 marks).
  3. How a system might meet these requirements. This is a detailed design for a system to meet the requirements outlined in (2). This could includes a description of the kind of hardware and software that would have to be provided to meet the requirements. It might also outline the basic information flows through the system, particularly how relevant data will be entered into the computer and how it could be presented to users. You should show evidence of carrying out a detailed design exercise – like paper prototyping. The system you discuss could be a conventional technology, a more innovative one (e.g. a mobile device, a smartphone app or some kind or internet service) or a radical design of your own invention. (15 marks).
  4. The strengths and opportunities of your proposal. In the light of your study you should justify your proposal. This could be based on qualitative factors such as better customer or user satisfaction, transformation of existing work practices or quantitative, such as savings in time and cost. (5 marks).
  5. The weaknesses and threats to your proposal. Again, in the light of your study consider the potential problems and difficulties that may be faced if it was introduced. These could include costs, competitive solutions, negative impacts on work practices, particular training difficulties, customer and user dissatisfaction. (5 marks)
  6. The steps required to implement your proposal. Briefly consider what future actions are required to carry forward your proposal. These may be further studies that need to be undertaken and/or design and development activities that should be carried out next.

PART B – An essay concerning a topic discussed in the lectures (guide: 1000 words – 35 marks

It is critical that this essay refers to issues, themes and methods discussed in the literature. It should show evidence that appropriate articles have been read and understood. You should refer to literature mentioned in the course as well as academic articles you find to be relevant. As a guideline you should refer to at least three additional academic articles relating to your study that are not in the general readings provided on the KEATS website. A good resource for articles is the ACM Digital Library accessible through KCL’s eJournals system.

Choose to answer one from the following questions. It is important that
you clearly indicate which question you have answered.

  1. Describe what is meant by the term ‘ubiquitous computing’ and discuss some of the challenges for deploying these types of
    system in organisations. Consider how social scientific findings and methods might contribute to the development of these

Choose to answer one from the following questions. It is important that
you clearly indicate which question you have answered.

2. Describe what is meant by the term ‘ubiquitous computing’ and discuss some of the challenges for deploying these types of system in organisations. Consider how social scientific findings and methods might contribute to the development of these technologies?

  1. There has been much recent debate about how Artificial Intelligence could support decision-making by professionals,
    such as those in medicine, law and accountancy. Taking one of these professions as an example, discuss the requirements of
    such systems if they are to be used to help make decisions.
  2. Provide details of an approach to the Responsible Innovation (RI) of technology. Taking a recent example of a problem with
    a Machine Learning technology, show why it is important for an organisation to innovate in a responsible way.

The coursework report and essay should be submitted in electronic form. You should consider using images, figures and diagrams in your report. On the final page of each part of the coursework you should include the total word count
for Parts A and B. The total should not exceed 3500 words. Please note there is guidance given above about a suggested length of each part. You do not need to provide appendices. If you do then these should only include reasonable additional materials related to your approach (e.g. interview schedules, extracts of transcripts, summaries of data collected, further details of the requirements, additional scenarios, extra details of the design and other evidence about how you undertook the study). The report should be able to be read without reference to the appendices.
References and the content of these appendices are not included in the total word count.

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