Synthesis Integration

Advanced practitioners must be able to synthesize and integrate theory into their practice. Drawing upon what you have learned in this course, your education, and practice, you will explore applying theory to a social issue. This is an activity that you will engage in and build upon throughout the course. This activity strengthens your skills of critical thinking and applied analysis while increasing your awareness about the goodness of fit of some theories over others.

Note: The discussion of each section must be grounded in evidenced. Supporting literature must be incorporated and cited per APA guidelines.
Students will engage with this activity three times over the course, in modules 5, 8, and 12. See the Synthesis & Integration Activity Overview to see all components.

Part Two: Mainstream Theories
Building upon part one, carry forward your social problem. Edit and updated as needed based on feedback from your instructor. Add the following components:
Main components of the mainstream theory selected: Briefly and succinctly provide an overview of your selected theory and delineate the key concepts.
Application and implications for your social problem: Briefly and succinctly explore the effectiveness of this theory in addressing your social problem. Support this with literature that has demonstrated how this theory has been used to address your social problem. Or use literature to support your hypothesis of why this theory will be effective in addressing your social problem.
Strengths/Weaknesses of the theory selected: Briefly and succinctly explore the strengths/weaknesses of this theory in addressing your social problem. Support this with literature and/or use literature to support assessment of strengths/weaknesses.
Summary statement of theory selected: Based on the analysis you have conducted, generate a summary statement of the theory, its utility, and applicability to your social problem.

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