Supply Restaurant

Need 1 page

It is common in the restaurant business for vendors to supply restaurant owners and restaurant managers with gifts when they are making purchasing decisions. How can these gifts affect profitability? What policies should be in place concerning the acceptance of vendor gifts? The policy of Wal-Mart, as specified in the recommended article, is that Wal-Mart employees should not accept anything from a supplier, not even a free cup of coffee. If they do, it can be grounds for immediate termination. What do you think about how Wal-Mart handles this issue?


Need 300 words

List the possible controls on production and menu design that you could put in place to improve profitability. What measures can put in place to ensure that your employees follow these?


Develop and design a full restaurant menu. For a Soul Food restaurant

Write an eight- to ten-page paper (not including the title and reference pages) explaining how you developed the menu. Think of this paper as a resource for the establishment to maintain alignment when making future changes to the menu.

The Final Paper should include descriptions of each of the following:

  • Demographics and competition
  • Assessment of existing operation
  • Statement outlining recipes and cost cards
  • Mark-up method to be used
  • Purchasing analysis
  • Menu analysis
  • Nutritional statement

Must begin with an introductory paragraph that has a succinct thesis statement.

Must address the topic of the paper with critical thought.

Must end with a conclusion that reaffirms your thesis.

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