Style of Expression

Question 1

What are the patterns and determinants of the donors’ choice of channels of delivery?

Question 2

As it is recognized that local and national organizations should have a significantly greater access to direct funding from international humanitarian funding sources what could be the obstacles to such a change?

Question 3

To what extent does the choice of channels of delivery by donors impact on the efforts to achieve more effective coordination of the humanitarian response to disasters and crises? As recognized in the Grand Bargain, conditions under which humanitarian action is funded (notably the choice of channels of delivery by donors and their earmarking practices) impact on the effectiveness and efficiency of the humanitarian response to disasters and crises.


The paper (from 2’400 to 2’600 words in a Word format please) should include a bibliography listing all the sources consulted, including websites. Quotations should be clearly indicated as well as their precise sources In view of the limited length of the paper, a concise style of expression is recommended (for example, that of a memo or briefing note). The deadline for uploading the paper in a Word format is September 25, 2017.

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