Students With Reading Difficulties

Exam Content Summative Assessment

Not only will you teach elementary students as an elementary teacher, but you may also provide guidance to other teachers and help create professional development materials.

Scenario: Your school district has asked you to create a packet of information on reading assessment and development with specifications identifying and offering remediation for students who may have reading difficulties. The packet will be distributed as a supplement during the new-teacher training for which you developed a presentation in Week 2.

Create a packet of information on reading assessment and development.

Your packet will include 3 items: Components of Reading Instruction Graphic Organizer, Home Literacy Connections Brochure, and the Diagnosis and Remediation of Reading Difficulties Worksheet.

Components of Reading Instruction Graphic Organizer

Create a graphic organizer (infographic, multimedia poster, or other visual) that summarizes the following components of reading instruction:

Print awareness and concepts
Phonemic awareness
Phonics, including the need for explicit, systematic instruction
Word decoding

Include the following information for each component of reading instruction:

A brief explanation
2 or 3 strategies for home support
Games or other activities that build reading skills

You will be scored on the layout and design, including the use of mixed media, of your visual, and the other content you include.

Note: You may choose a delivery medium from the Technology Resources Library or use another medium as approved by your instructor. Some possibilities include Glogster, Piktochart, Popplet, Powtoon, Prezi®, and Smore.

Home Literacy Connections Brochure

Create a brochure that includes information on the following:

Suggestions for providing a literacy-rich home environment
Strategies for developing a reading schedule
Resource list for media, websites, libraries, and so on that parents can use to support their child’s reading development at home

Note: You may find helpful resources for creating your brochure or infographic in the Technology Resource Library. You may also consider using the Brochure Builder.

Diagnosis and Remediation of Reading Difficulties Worksheet

Complete the Diagnosis and Remediation of Reading Difficulties Worksheet to include as part of your packet. In this worksheet, you will be identifying and describing:

Screening tools used with students in grades K–3 who are at risk for reading problems
Warning signs or symptoms of students who may be struggling with dyslexia, decoding difficulties, or poor reading comprehension
Accommodations, interventions, or appropriate next steps to take with students suspected of having dyslexia, decoding difficulties, or poor comprehension skills

Compile the following for submission:

Components of Reading Instruction Graphic Organizer
Home Literacy Connections Brochure
Completed Diagnosis and Remediation of Reading Difficulties Worksheet

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