This activity will address module outcomes 2 & 3. Upon completion of this activity, you will be able to:
• Synthesize military communications challenges (CO2)
• Apply Strategic Communications as part of the Information element of power (CO2)
In part one of this discussion, we will focus on strategic communications and explore SC principles, credibility, and trust. Often service members may ask what strategic communications have to do with military operations. The Commander’s Handbook for Strategic Communication provides one response, which states:
“The continuous, rapid communication flow in the information environment, facilitated by modern technological advances and media distribution methods, requires responsive, agile processes and capabilities to preserve and enhance the credibility and influence of the United States” (U.S. Joint Forces Command, 2010).
Strategic communications are part of our doctrine. Therefore, it should play a fundamental role in any military leadership course.
To prepare for this discussion, read and review the Module Notes and Appendix P Principles, Credibility, and Trust of the Commander’s Handbook for Strategic Communications and Communication Strategy. As you read this chapter, you will be able to comprehend the elements of the communications principles model defined in this appendix and how each principle supports the strategic communications effort.
When you have completed your required readings for this module, you should be prepared to engage in the following discussion activity:
Watch the following videos:
• War 2.0: Military Industrial Media Entertainment Network (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. [Video File, 6:17 mins]
• Haiti Earthquake… Aid or Occupation? Al Jazeera TV – 2010 (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. [Video File, 3:09 mins]
Now, please read and respond to the following:
• Describe the challenges of balancing all principles and illustrate, based on your comprehension of the assigned readings and experience, which principles are most important.
• Describe how an individual soldier may implement at least three of the principles listed in the model.
• In your response, describe, as you understand from reading and discussion, how strategic communications impact military operations. Include examples to strengthen your argument and/or incorporate some of the quotations from the Commander’s Handbook for Strategic Communications and Communication Strategy.
Please contribute at least one original post in response to the discussion question and post at least one substantive reply to fellow students or the instructor follow-up question.
Module Notes: Principles, Credibility, and Trust in Military Strategic Communications
The purpose of this section is to study a communications principles model to help military leaders, planners, communications practitioners, and all military personnel to establish, preserve and strengthen public trust in and the credibility of the U.S. military (U.S. Joint Forces Command, 2010).
The Strategic Communications Principles Model triangle depicts the main elements of trust, credibility, and the principles of: timeliness, accuracy, delegation of voice, privacy, unity of voice, free flow of information, and security.
Strategic Communications Principles Model
As you can see, maintaining a balance of all principles is not an easy task. It is a challenge for national militaries. Therefore, it is crucial for Strategic Communicators to recognize the three categories of the population.
Populations can be broken down into those:
- who oppose the U.S. military activities
- who support the U.S. military activities
- who have yet to decide to oppose or to support the U.S. military activities
Similarly, there are those: - who will never trust the military
- who will trust without fail
- whose trust might still be earned
The first group, understandably, becomes the traditional target of military plans and combat operations. The key publics with which the military must establish its credibility and build trust are drawn from the third and generally largest groups. In other words, strategic communicators must target and focus their efforts on the groups that are undecided about whether to trust and support the military, while directing combat operations upon those who will never support or trust the military (U.S. Joint Forces Command, 2010).
Understanding the role of all instruments of power is crucial to assess how each element contributes to the achievement of national objectives. While most people are familiar with the role of the military, often people do not recognize the importance of other elements of power. The first discussion will allow us to look closely at all of the elements of power.
Dempsey, M. (2013). Joint Publication 1, Doctrine for the Armed Forces of the United States. Department of the Defense [PDF, File Size 1.03MB]. Retrieved from
U.S. Joint Forces Command. (2010). Commander’s Handbook for Strategic Communication and Communication Strategy [PDF, File Size 3.4MB]. Appendix P. Principles, Credibility, and Trust. Washington, D.C.: US Joint Forces Command. Retrieved from (L
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