Stimulus Preference Assessment

Watch video and answer question below

1.. What if a child has difficulty scanning an array?

  1. What’s one other problem/phenomena that comes up with some children when conducting a MSWO or a Paired Choice?
  2. What is a problem if you have a mixed array of edibles and other items like leisure items/activities within the same preference assessment? What should you do if you’re interested in a preference assessment of leisure/play items?
  3. You’re not only looking to find stimuli that are effective but you are also looking to make sure they are a good fit for the _______________ in which they are going to be used (e.g. is it easily replenished, does it cost too much, is it’s use disrupt other activities around the child, does it’s effectiveness wane easy and is hard to place, does delivery prevent other adaptive or desired behaviors).
  4. Some people suggest using extrinsic reinforcers is detrimental, because the value for the activity is now based on the item/activity delivered instead of the activity of interest itself (i.e. undermining intrinsic motivation; also termed over-justification hypothesis). Dr. DeLeon suggested these circumstances seem to be more likely when reinforcers are delivered in a response independent/non-contingent fashion and when they tend to be “expected” as tangible awards. Conversely, this is not found when reinforcement is delivered contingent on performance and/or quality. With the above considerations, in addition to results of within session analyses of ABAB designs for evaluating reinforcer effectiveness, we would conclude that the over-justification hypothesis is:

Select one: True/False

  1. Reinforcer surveys and preference assessments are used more often in the field by practitioners than would be expected:

Select one: True/False

  1. Reinforcer assessments are static and only needed to be completed once per long periods of time:


Select one: True/False

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