Question 1
Write an essay in which you offer and defend an answer to one of the questions below:
– What does it mean to be good, to lead a good life?
– How does one reconcile self-interest with a sense of social responsibility?
In developing your answer, you may draw ideas, information, and illustration from any relevant source, but at a minimum you must use Aristotle’s Ethics and at least two other sources, at least one of which must be another reading from the seminar.
Please type your paper. It should be 5 pages in length, double-spaced. Do not consider excessive quoting as part of your paper. You must include a bibliography. Make sure to check grammar, spelling and general presentation of argument.
the books that you can use are beside Aristotle’s Ethics are:
The Late Mattia Pascal
The Ethics
The Prince
and finally : The Courtier
Question 2
Write a 1,050-1,750-word paper in which you select a police department with a special unit dedicated to mental health issues and analyze the components of the unit.
Answer the following questions:
- When and why was the unit created?
- What is the unit’s impact on the community?
- What options do the police have for containment of a person they have contact with?
- What laws affect, positively or negatively, the unit’s work?
- At what point might a human services worker or team enter the process?
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.
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