Question 1
You will be assessed on the following learning outcomes:
• Identify the key attributes of leaders and their sources of power
• State the difference between management and leadership
• Recognise the critical role of ethics and communication in leadership
• Interpret and analyse leadership issues
• Interpret various leadership issues in different contexts such as work, school or social environment
• Develop feasible solutions to real-life issues
Question 2
Compare and contrast charismatic leadership from the understanding of leadership under the attribution theory.
Question 3
Eachstudentwill submit a four (4) page paper profiling a leader that they admire.The selection of leader can be taken from any background chosen by-the student.Criteria for selection should-be centered on someone that has made an impact on a norganization (business, not for profit organization,political,national or business) and is of interest to the student but needs to have a
relation to businessand the course.The size of the organizationis not important but the degree-of impact should be significant-to the organizations performance.
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