Socio-Technical Problems


In Module 1, you defined the sociotechnical factors of a work environment. In Module 2, you explored the social and organizational factors related to people, tasks, and technology. In Module 3, we looked at how organizational and stakeholder readiness, organizational culture, and leadership can affect stakeholder behavior and attitudes. We also looked at some tools and frameworks that you can use to analyze an organization to determine what organizational factors could be barriers or benefits to IT adoption.

In this module, we explored how to evaluate HIT. This week we begin pulling everything together. Over the course of the class, you have explored various socio-technical problems in your cases and how the relationships between the sociotechnical factors affect adoption and performance. So, you should have a good idea by now about what sociotechnical factors are important to your case.

In Unit 6, you explored a study by Najartorkaman et al that gives us 78 factors that could affect EHR adoption. These 78 factors should help you identify the themes of the sociotechnical issues you identify in the dimension

For your Module 4 Week 8 Case Analysis, develop an evaluation plan for your assigned case. Your goal is NOT to prove whether the HIT was successful or not but to show HOW you would conduct your evaluation. Use HOT-fit as the framework for your evaluation.

Your analysis should demonstrate critical thinking and scholarly investigation and should be informed by peer-reviewed literature and referenced appropriately.
Case Study

  1. Hoot, N. R., & Sanders, D. L. (2005). Case 8. Implementation of OpChart in West Medical Building. In L. Einbinder & N. M. Lorenzi (Eds.), Transforming Health Care Through Information: Case Studies (3rd ed., Health Informatics, pp. 81-91). New York: Springer Science+Business Media.

Socio-Technical Model Article

Sittig, D. F., & Singh, H. (2010). A new sociotechnical model for studying health information technology in complex adaptive healthcare systems. BMJ Quality & Safety, 19(Suppl 3), i68-i74. Retrieve from

Case Analysis Requirements
• You must submit your assignment in MS Word format. You can get a free student license for MS Office at the
• The case study analysis should be 1,000 words, +/-250 words.
• You must follow APA style rules for your case study analysis, including headings, citations, and references. Reference the APA Publication Manual or Purdue Owl for formatting and style requirements.

Required Assignment Format
The following sections should be Level 1 headings for your case study analysis. You may and probably should have Level 2 headings to organize your arguments within each section of the paper.

• Brief Project Description
• Project Goals
• Evaluation Goals
• Evaluation Metrics
• Quantitative and Qualitative Metrics/Data
• Data Sources

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