
Regarding sexuality, a common evaluative inquiry is whether we are open-minded and free when it comes to its comprehension and if we can accept a modern socio-cultural and political conceptual foundation that doesn’t judge or discriminate against people based on their diverse sexual orientations. Primarily, we all believe that sexuality is an inborn creation and somehow fixed undyingly. However, it is typical for various cultural societies to set boundaries that people apply in identifying and judging others. Unfortunately, these socio-cultural and political boundaries usually lead to the exploitation and marginalization of others sexually. Therefore, this paper takes an in-depth investigation on sexuality by focusing on; its broad definition, historical background, micro, and macro contextualization, and sexuality marginalization causes and impacts.
Defining Sexuality
Although everyone is aware of what sexuality is, particularly medical practitioners who are knowledgeably trained in sexuality education, its effective comprehension are usually overlooked. Many people usually require comprehensive sexual knowledge that is nonjudgmental and reliable.
Sexuality Historical Background
The current global flared-up discussions about sexuality show that the world is far from sexual freedom. Moreover, the modern world is making a science of sexuality that is focused on analyzing sexual desires instead of the enhanced and transformed sexual orientations (Foucault, 2019).
Micro and Macro Contextualization of Sexuality
Any effort to develop a society where individuals are personally and socially contented must involve a fundamental sexuality re-organization. As argued by Heckert (2018), sexuality is as significant as other social issues like race, capitalism, and nationalism. In this regard, it is important to examine the interconnection between wide-ranging sociocultural beliefs and peoples’ sexuality perceptions by focusing on how micro-and macro-level contextualization transform peoples’ sexuality.
Sexuality Marginalization Causes and Impacts
The foundation of social scientific ideologies and logical analysis of sexuality is usually gender, class, and race, which influence social attitudes (Schnabel, 2018). Based on social attitudes towards diverse sexual orientations; there has been extensive and fast-growing research on sexual minority groups as socially disregarded objects.
Summary of the papers main points and recommendations
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