Sex Differences in Aggression

This week, you have examined theoretical principles of sex differences in aggression: sexual selection and gender role. For this task, you will reflect on what you have learned about sex differences in aggression. Now assume that you have been asked to prepare an article for an online journal that focuses on aggression and behavior, but first you need to complete an interview with a leading expert in sex differences in aggression. Begin by selecting your expert and complete a mock interview that asks and answers the questions below.

1. Explain sexual selection theory and gender role theory. What are the main principles of each theory? What position is taken by each theory on the origins, development, and causal mechanisms of aggression?

2. Give an example of aggressive behavior that may be explained from the perspective of sexual selection and from the perspective of social role theory that is not covered in the reading.

3. Discuss at least one psychological phenomenon that may influence displays of aggressive behavior as explained by the sexual selection theory and the social roles theory.

Support your interview with at least two references from peer-reviewed journal articles. Remember to cite your information and references in the proper APA format.

Length: 3-4 pages

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