selective toxicity

Question 1

Answer this question: How do antibiotics work? Antibiotics work through the concept of selective toxicity. For your response, research the concept of selective toxicity, and use your knowledge of bacterial and eukaryal cell structure, gained from the text readings and Exploration page, to answer the question. Make sure you write down the sources you use for your research. Start your discussion post with a definition of selective toxicity in your own words and a paragraph outlining possible antibiotic targets of bacterial cells. Your next paragraph will focus on penicillin. You should find one to two reliable sources that discuss how penicillin works. Focus on the structure that penicillin targets, and discuss how this relates to selective toxicity. Finally, consider how you could use the scientific method to learn about how antibiotics work. What questions would you want to research? What is your hypothesis? All references must be cited using APA Style.

3 pages

Question 2

  1. Mark the following statements true (T) or false (F).

________ Opportunity cost is constantly changing along a societal PPF.
________ At an endpoint on a PPF, the production of both goods equals 0.
________ If it is infeasible to produce 20 corn and 30 wheat given the available factors of production (FOP) and technology (T), then it must also be infeasible to produce 20 corn and 35 wheat with the same FOP + T.
________ If it is infeasible to produce 40 corn and 40 wheat given the available FOP and T, then it must also be infeasible to produce 40 corn and 35 wheat with the same FOP and T.
________ If it is infeasible to produce 50 corn and 15 wheat given the available FOP and T, then it must also be infeasible to produce 55 corn and 20 wheat if we increase the FOP and improve the T.
________ Opportunity cost is constantly changing along an individual’s PPF.
________ The revenue line has slope equal to –Py/Px, where Py is the price of the y-axis good and Px is the price of the x-axis good.
________ If the revenue line overlaps an individual’s PPF, that individual will solve his producer problem by producing anywhere along his PPF.

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