You have been hired as a security specialist by a company to provide methods and recommendations to create a more secure environment for company data. Write a 1- to 2-page recommendation paper outlining methods the company should consider to protect access to data, including recommendations for policies to be enacted that will increase data security. Submit your assignment using the Assignment Files tab.
Question 2
Please watch the first 30 minutes of this video on cyber terrorism. Write about your reaction/thoughts/opinions concerning the presenters’ point of view. Discuss whether you agree/disagree with the points of view and if so concerning what aspects of their collective perspective. Remember to cite sources.
Note: Instead of the video, you may choose to evaluate the points of view (opinions) expressed in this report:
Question 3
Cyber Security and Risk Management(No Plagarish and should be in apa format)
Read Four (4) academically reviewed articles on Cyber Security and Risk Management and complete the following activities:
(Wikipedia articles will not be accepted. Professor may check originality of all posts. Avoid copy-and-paste.
1. Summarize all four (4) articles in 300 words or more. Please use your own words. No copy-and-paste
2. Base on your article review and the assigned reading, discuss the relationship between cyber security and risk management.
3. As an IT manager, discuss how you will use the concepts discussed in the four articles in the management of IT risks within your company.
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