Russian History

Date due: Week 3 of the suggested study schedule, after completion of Unit 2.

Instructions: Assignment 1 requires that you write a paper no more than 1500 words (six typed pages) in length, and must include footnotes and a bibliography. Although it is possible to complete the assignment using only the course readings, you are permitted (indeed, encouraged) to consult other books or articles while preparing to write this paper, and you will probably obtain a better grade on the paper if you do so. See the “Supplementary Materials” document in the “Resources” section of the course home page for suitable works that you could consult.

Topics: Choose one (1) of the topics given below.

– Compare Vladimer the Great (Vladimir I) and Yaroslav the Wise. Discuss both the men and their reigns, explaining their contributions to the expansion and consolidation of Kievan Rus.

– Compare the development of Novgorod with that of Kiev. What kind of historical sources can we draw upon?

– What role did the Russian Orthodox Church play in the development of society and culture in Kievan Rus and Muscovy?

– Why were the Mongols so successful in invading Kievan Rus, and then in controlling Muscovy? What permanent legacy did they leave?

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