Each student must prepare a formal 15 – 20 page research report paper on a topic of your choice related to purchasing or supply management. Specific topics must be approved by your instructor within the given time frame. Your final paper is worth 100 points and contributes 15% toward your course grade. Your paper will be evaluated according to the criteria in the rubric linked in the submission activity.
this is the textbook that need to be referenced
Monczka, R. M., Handfield, R. B., Giunipero, L. C., & Patterson, J. L. (2016). Purchasing and supply chain management (6th ed.). Boston, MA: Cengage Learning.
ISBN-13: 978-1-285-86968-1
Your paper should include the following:
- Demonstrating quality and depth of content
- Organizing the report properly
- Following formatting requirements:
- Times New Roman, 12 pt. Font
- Double Spaced
- Use of Page Numbers
- Title Page
- Table of Contents
- Appropriate labels on figures and tables
- Demonstrating correct grammar and evidence of proof-reading, i.e., no spelling errors
- Including a variety and documentation of references used; format for references follows APA Guideline
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