Research Questions

  1. A researcher hypothesizes that more frequent discussion of politics with family, friends, and coworkers leads a person to be more informed about political events happening in the world.  The researcher also argues that the relationship between discussion and political knowledge should be larger for women than for men.  Furthermore, the researcher believes that the increase in knowledge resulting from more frequent political discussion results in part from the motivation it gives people to seek information in anticipation of future discussions, which then results in greater knowledge.

A study designed to test these predictions would include four variables:  (1) frequency of political discussion, (2) sex, (3) motivation to acquire information, and (4) political knowledge.

In the blank spaces next to each variable,  and in the context of this study, specify whether that variable is an independent variable, dependent variable, moderator variable, or mediator variable.  List all variable types that seem appropriate for that variable given the information above.

Frequency of political discussion:              _____________________________________________

Sex:                                                                _____________________________________________

Political Knowledge:                                  _____________________________________________

Motivation to acquire information:                 _____________________________________________

2. Give an example of a discrete variable that is negatively skewed with a mode and median of 2 but a mean less than 2.  Explain your answer, and provide a sketch of what the distribution might look like.

3. The mean of a variable in a dataset is equal to 70.  Which of the following is an impossible value for the standard deviation:  200, 0, -20 ?  Justify your answer.

4. Your goal is to construct random sample of no fewer than 1000 OSU students living in on-campus housing.   Explain how you could do this using

a. Simple random sampling

b. Stratified random sampling, with sex as the stratification variable

c. Cluster sampling

 5. This question requires the use of SPSS.

(a)    Write SPSS code to enter the data on the next page into SPSS to produce an SPSS data file.   Your program must either include the data within the program itself (using BEGIN DATA and END DATA) or it must read the data from an external file.   Make sure your program includes the proper syntax to assign variable and value labels.  Code studio numerically, and provide syntax that assigns value labels to the numerical codes.  You can enter movie name either as text or with a numerical code with value labels.


(b)  Write SPSS code to create  a new variable defined as the average weekend sales per theater.  Assign it a descriptive variable label in your code.


(c)  Write SPSS code to construct  a new variable classifying a movie as either ranking higher in sales  this weekend relative to last weekend, ranking the same as last weekend, ranking lower than last weekend, or undeterminable.  Assign variable and values labels.  (Note that the closer the rank is to 1, the “higher” its rank).

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