Research Components

Question 1

Consider, for example, what criteria are used in your discipline to evaluate alignment of research components. And in what way will your future research contribute to your identity as scholar-practitioner who is dedicated to positive social change?

For this Discussion, you will consider criteria for evaluating alignment among the various components of a research study. You will also reflect on your role as a positive social change agent through research.

With these thoughts in mind:

Post an explanation of the criteria you could use to evaluate alignment between data collection methods and other research components, such as the problem, purpose, research questions, and design. Then, reflecting on the course content, discuss the extent to which your newly acquired research knowledge and skills can support your role as an agent of positive social change. Be specific and provide an examples.

Question 2

Research is important in the field of counseling and psychology because it can help us to understand the profession, shed light on the theories and concepts, and to determine if the application of theories and concepts actually improve mental health. Research is the best mechanism for determining if something is effective and if so, what parts and why.

Write a 1,000-word paper about the importance of research in the field of counseling.

Include the following in your paper:

  1. The relationship between research and counseling
  2. The roles and responsibilities of researchers in the counseling profession

APA Style Guide

  1. Include two scholarly resources to support your paper


Sheperis, C., Young, J., & Daniels, M. (2017). Counseling Research – Quantitative, Qualitative, and Mixed Methods. Boston: Pearson Inc. .

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