Rape and Homicide Cases

The mini project is a scaled-down version of the masters project – something like a trial run. In the mini project, you need to:
a. Clear objectives
b. How do you plan to conduct the dry lab (methodology)
c. Plan to discuss the findings

Please be concise instead of beating around the bush. Lesser word/page count is ok, but beating around the bush is not ok.

Below are some pointers that you could include in each section. You don’t need to follow the order and put one paragraph for each point, but you need to ensure all the points are covered in the corresponding section. Pls ensure flow of the report.

For the mini project, you only need to analyse 1 case study for SG and 1 for UK (as this is just something like a trial run).

The following is just a guide, you can change the flow if needed. You can also combine sections.

Before beginning the mini project, pls send me a mini proposal (300 words) for this mini project by this Thursday night. In this mini proposal, detail why you want to do this project, and brief methodology. Please be concise

Flow of the mini project:

  1. Background/Introduction (800-1000 words approx, can be lesser): Section 1 – Trace evidence and its relevance to rape and homicide cases
    • What is trace evidence and how it can be used
    • Describe general categories of trace evidence
    i. Biological trace evidence – fluids, semen etc.
    ii. Physical trace evidence – debris, glass shards, tiremarks etc etc
    • How does trace evidence relate to rape and homicide cases, and which trace evidence is most likely to be most useful in these cases and why.

Section 2 – Solving rape and homicide cases in Singapore
• Describe the investigative processes (collection, identification, admissibility) for rape and homicide cases in Singapore in detail, from the first respondent to the forensic investigation to the court hearings.
• Elaborate on the most common trace evidence used in Singapore courts.
• If possible, find and include a table/graph of the most common trace evidence used to solve rape and homicide cases in Singapore.

Section 3 – Solving rape and homicide cases in the UK
• Describe the investigative processes (collection, identification, admissibility) for rape and homicide cases in UK in detail, from the first respondent to the forensic investigation to the court hearings.
• Elaborate on the most common trace evidence used in UK courts.
• If possible, find and include a table/graph of the most common trace evidence used to solve rape and homicide cases in Uk.

Section 4 – Comparison between SG and UK
• Bring out similarities and differences between the identification, collection, and the admissibility of trace evidence in SG and UK courts.
• How could they bring about differences in how trace evidence is used in both the countries.

  1. Literature review: already done, so no need to do this again, but ensure flow between the previous section and the next sections. I have attached the done literature review here for your reference. You can copy paste that lit review in this section.
  2. Research question and hypothesis (200-300 words approx.)
    • Identify gap in the literature
    • Based on the gap, form a research question.
    • Form a hypothesis and explain it.
    • Explain significance of this research
  3. Overview of the case studies (400-500 words?)
    • Brief up on what type of homicide and rape case studies you are looking for and why.
    • List down the case studies (1 for SG, 1 for UK))
    • Give an overview of each case study (150-200 words each)

You can also place this BEFORE research qn and hypothesis, whichever suits the flow.

  1. Methodology (100-200 words)
    • How are you going to analyse the case studies
    • Are you going to analyse them qualitatively or quantitatively
    • Are you planning to conduct any “experiments” or refer to any secondary data?
  2. Analysis (600-800 words)
    • In-depth detail analysis of each case study
  3. Findings (400-600 words)
    • Discuss the similarities and differences between how trace evidence is used in Singapore and UK
  4. Conclusion (300-400 words)
    • Main conclusion of this study
    • Limitations of this study and how it can be improved
    • How can this study be extended/extrapolated

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