Quote Analysis

“Terror in the self is frightening; it makes us all subservient to its power. Indeed when the self is ‘terrorized’, it becomes mute, immobile, and unfree. Indeed, it is possible to make an argument that the unfree self is the self that is possessed by terror, ‘terrified’. I can only be a free person when I recover my reason, my balance, and my perspective. Under the power of being terrorized, I am, in a sense, a slave – a slave of terror, that which terrifies.” MUST comment and draw from the Main Reading and at least 2 of the films for each essay only TO ANLAYZE THE QOUTE. Use the prompt as the beginning of your argument to themes both explicit and implicit in this quote. Essays should be 5 pages in length. Main Reading: Rape of Nanking by Iris Chang Films to draw quotes and themes from (Must use at least 2) • Ordinary People • Black Swan • Shutter Island • Incendies

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