Quarterly Frequency

Q1. Browse the Australian Bureau of Statistics webpage. Download and plot the seasonally adjusted nominal GDP (in levels) and real GDP (in levels) for the period 1990-2016 (in quarterly frequency) from ‘Table 1. Key National Account Aggregates’. Now using the same Table 1, download and plot the percentage changes of these two GDP series (use trends) for the same time period. From the plots, could you find any relationship between nominal and real GDP in levels and growth rates? Explain your answer. (Word limit:200 words) [5 + 2= 7]
Q2. Go to the World Bank website and collect and present annual data for the following variables for Australia, China, South Korea, Japan and UK for the period 1991-2016. The variables are: (i) Inflation, consumer prices (annual %) (ii) Unemployment, total (% of total labor force) (iii) Gross capital formation (% of GDP) [Note: this is Investment as a % of GDP] and (iv) Expense (% of GDP) [Note: this is Government expenditure as a % of GDP]
Present the data in tables. You are free to decide how many tables to use, and which variables/countries to include in each table. Each table must be numbered and have a clear heading/title indicating its contents, and a reference for the source of the data under the table.
Use the data to construct the following graphs. Indicate under each graph which table(s) the data came from. Give your graph a title, and make sure to label each of the axis and the variable.
Figure 1. Inflation rate for all five countries.
Figures 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6: One figure for each country, with the Unemployment rate, Gross capital formation and Expense for that country.
Using Figures 2– 6, analyse and explain any general relationship you see between the three variables in each of the countries. On the basis of the data collected, analyse any similarities and differences in the performance of economies. (Word limit: 300 words) [4 + 6 + 8 = 18]
Q3. Now visit the Reserve Bank of Australia website and download the monthly exchange rates for China, Japan and UK from the webpage for the years 1991 to 2016.
Then, browse the Australian Bureau of Statistics data and download the monthly seasonally adjusted ‘Balance on Trade in Goods and Services’ data from Table 1 for the period 1991 to 2016.
Use three different diagrams to plot the exchange rate and trade balance series together for the above three countries. Based on these diagrams, discuss the relationship between exchange rates fluctuations and trade balance in Australia. [2 + 3 + 5= 10]

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