Quantitative Risk Assessment

Assignment Content

  • Resources: Risk Management Plan Outline, assigned readings, and Quantitative Risk Assessment Grading Guide
    Write a paper of no more than 1,200 words, including tables and matrix, that includes the following:
    • Revision of project background that clarifies project scope, requirements, schedule, quality, and constraints
    • Updated risk identification framework
    • Qualified and quantified risk matrix with low, medium, and high qualitative assessments linked to quantifiable measures and risk factors, with performance of a risk assessment using a risk matrix, including:
    • Calculation of project risk factors
    • Risk quantified in terms of cost, schedule, and performance
    • Prioritized risk register, including the following:
    • Risk description
    • Initial low, medium, or high risk assessment
    • Risk priority in the overall risk management plan
  • Note. A portion of this assignment is utilized in the final project.

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