Question 1
Question 1: Explain how injured parties can recover damages under the UCC.
Question 6: What must a plaintiff prove to establish copyright infringement?
Question 2: What are punitive damages?
Question 9 Assume you are a student in a Marketing 101 class. Your team’s project, a “marketing proposal” for a new product, is terrific.
After you give a presentation to the class, complete with Microsoft PowerPoint visuals and pop-musical interludes, you receive the first “A” of your college career. But 6 months later, you discover your idea was even better than you thought when you watch your own marketing plan in action on local cable television. Your teammates are as excited and disappointed as you are. What can you do about it?
Question 2
All semester you have had the opportunity to explore different aspects of the Houston art scene: from the MFAH to the street art to the architecture and public sculpture. If you had a friend come to town or someone from another country visit, how would you characterize or summarize the Houston art scene? What stood out to you as dynamic and exciting? What was uniquely ‘Houston’? What makes it special
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