Public health

Watch the video please!

Please watch the video for this week. You can pick any one of the sections seen in this 1 hour video. You must post an individual/ original comment plus respond to two other postings listed by your fellow students. It is not enough to say ” I agree”. Think about your readings and how the actual video reflects on the issues of public health. Aprox paragraph.

Than reply to these two students.
Student 1 trang
This video was a great example of how vaccines can help to control the breakout of any disease. Scientists had a hard time to develop any vaccine, but government may have a harder time to educate people to go to get a vaccine. For example, the video talked about poliovirus disease. Poliovirus can spread quickly and out of time in a short period of time. Scientists had to quickly learn and develop the vaccine to control the disease. However, people did not want to go to receive the vaccine at the first time because of the religion issue. Politics had to step in to educate people. From chapter 1, epidemiology was a good example from the video, scientists had to get the basic science of public health to control any spread of infectious diseases. Also, the government has to collect the data, and knowledge the control area for the disease. Science and politics have to work together to make any decision to help with public. Public health helps prevention any illness or disease. It helps to reduce the cost of medical in long term, and it keeps public safe and healthy.

Student 2. Karisaline
Rx for Survival showed how vaccines are the foundation for public health. Now a days we are still encountering the same problems that were faced in the late 1960’s, vaccines are too expensive and/or the supply isn’t enough. In 1966 when Nigeria was hit with small pox, the warriors first planned to vaccinate 80% of the population they quickly realized they didn’t have enough vaccines and relied on ring vaccination. They divided the geographic areas and with help from missionaries and the community they were able to pin point the villages that were affected. They quarantined the villages that were effected and vaccinated everyone, although they where only able to vaccinate 15%. Nigeria became small pox free with the help from the warriors who would asses, develop and assure which are core fundamentals for public health.


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