Psychological Preparation

Kira is a 5-year-old who is admitted to the ER following a fall from her bunk bed. The primary health care provider has ordered a X-ray. Kira is worried and keeps asking, “When can I go home? What are you going to do to me? Don’t hurt me.” What can you, as a CCLS, do to help alleviate Kira’s stress and to teach her about the X-ray?

400 Level Forum Grading Rubric Possible pointsStudent points
Met initial post deadline (Wednesday) 10 
Initial post is substantive 10 
Initial post is at least 400 words 10 
Initial post employs at least two citations; one can be text; other must be from an academic source 10 
First response to classmate posted by Sunday 10 
First response is at least 200 words 10 
First response employs at least 2 citations; one can be text; other must be from an academic source 10 
Second response to classmate posted by Sunday 10 
Second response is at least 200 words 10 
Second response employs at least 2 citations; one can be text; other must be from an academic source 10 

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