Project Theory Selection

**Write a 1-page summary of the topic you chose, the two theories you selected, and why you believe these theories relate to your topic.
This is a 1-page summary please included a reference page.

***Select two developmental theories and consider how they relate to the topic you chose (any topic).

*Explain the origins and development of your topic
*Be used to develop strategies or programs to benefit human development relevant to your topic
*Address cultural differences or diversity considerations relevant to your topic
*Meet the characteristics of a good theory relevant to your topic

Learning Resources:
Newman, B. M., & Newman, P. R. (2016). Theories of human development (2nd ed.). New York, NY: Psychology Press/Taylor & Francis.


Question 2

Having experienced many relevant ethical case studies throughout the course, this final written assignment is a task to put your imagination and experience to work.

Design a relevant and challenging criminal justice ethics case study within any of the three fields of criminal justice (police, courts, or corrections) covered in this course.

The case study itself should be one to three paragraphs in length, followed by a summary of the ethical theories involved, and a series of “solutions” and/or “alternatives” to action in order to remedy the case to an ethical end.

The total length for this assignment should be about 500 words or 2 pages.

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